Mathilde Tinturier will kick off the fall 2020 season with new work at Le Salon Vert. Faithful to her preferred inspiration—plants—this time she has also developed the technique of paper cutouts in parallel, with an aim of new combinations.  Notably for this exhibition, she has created white paper cutouts integrating plants, paper herb boxes, along with her famous mobiles, also enhanced with the same material. Like always with Mathilde Tinturier, we are offered a fairyland, and the whiteness of the paper enables her to showcase the little treasures that surround us. Beads, confetti, dried leaves, and flowers become the jewels of her universe. The Carouge gallery will again be filled by her airy works which sit somewhere between installation art and an accumulation of meticulous and delicate pieces; stepping inside the exhibition means taking the risk of being won over by Mathilde’s awestruck gaze upon the world.